Trench Covers and Steel Walkways
Trench Covers
CLICK HERE - To learn how to correctly size your trench and trench cover
* Open and Banded types available ex stock in GC40X40 and GC43X50. (Subject to prior sales)
* Standard trench covers, steel walkways and frames to match for easy installation.
* Trench covers and walkways available in Open, Flanged and Banded.
* Flanged covers only done on request.
* Sizes to your specification can be manufacture on request.
* Available finishes, Uncoated and Galvanized.
* Make sure that bearer bar runs in right direction. (If not grating can fail)
* The first size is the BAERER bar and the second TRANSVERSE bar.
* A hand drawn sketch which indication of the Direction of bearer bar can limit misunderstanding.
* Un-banded Grating can cause it to collaps Under the weight.
* Standard Trench Covers are made with GC40x40 type of Grating
* Standard trench covers and frames to match, for easy installation.
* Frames are normally +/- 10mm wider than the grating and +/- 5mm longer, for each panel added.
* Frames are normally made of Angle-Iron unless otherwise specified.
* Frames only made on order.
* Frames come with cast in fishtail lugs of 100 x 25 x 4.5mm at 300mm c/c or 500mm c/c.
* Trench covers available in Open, Flanged or Banded.
Interested in placing an order or learning more? Simply reach out today.